
Father Ray Foundation located in Chonburi, Thailand where is taking care of 850 needy children and the disabled.


Feb 2020 before the COVID-19 pandemic, PHC organized the “Run for Father Ray” to collect running kilometers from our associates and turn kilometers into monetary donations for Father Ray Foundation. Impressively, about 50 children including disabled children from Father Ray Foundation ran together with our associates 3 km on the big running day. All of us including children ran 7,541 km. PHC donated 689,690 THBand another 500,000 Baht from Mr. Cyrille, totaled to 1,189,690 Baht. Donation of DG’s goat milk products to promote the children’s growth and development. On 25 February 2021, Pacific Healthcare and Mr. Cyrille have donated 1,2000,000 Baht to ensure the continuing improvement in the quality of living and education of children under Father Ray Foundation. Furthermore, “Garage Sale”, another activity scheduled for March 2021, Pacific Healthcare’s over 300 employees will have a chance to donate secondhand goods and seldom used personal belongings to be on sale. All proceeds from the “Garage sale” will go to Father Ray Foundation.


In addition, Pacific Healthcare and Mr. Cyrille have also realized the necessity to improve daily living and education standard of children from The Association of Children and Youth for Peace in the Southernmost Provinces of Thailand or Luuk Rieang Group who have been affected by the violence in 3 Southernmost provinces by donating 1,200,000 Baht to the association. Other activities include activities aim to raise awareness in natural resource and environmental conservation among young generation of Thais by taking children from Father Ray Foundation to plant corals.

